Reference projects

Upwards together. For more than 90 years we may help our customers to raise the level worldwide.

Reference projects

Upwards together. For more than 90 years we may help our customers to raise the level worldwide.

Projects worth seeing.

Here you can find a selection of our worldwide reference projects.

Airport Cologne-Bonn

Equipment of the lift installations at Cologne-Bonn airport.
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Equipment of the new construction of the KVB-North-South-Line – 7 underground stations with 1, 2 and 4 lifts.
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Brussels Metro

Equipment of more than 90 installations in the Brussels Metro.
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CityLife is a residential, commercial and business district situated at short distance from the old city center of Milan, Italy.
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Beach Street Project

Homelift in a 1950s house in suburban Sydney.
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Burj Khalifa Dubai

Skyscaper in the United Arab Emirates.
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Ro-Ro ferry „Zadar“

Jadrolinija is Coratia’s largest liner shipping company for the transport of passengers and vehicles with a hundred years tradition.
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Hospital Hilversum

Equipment of 10 new lift installations in the Tergooi Hospital with modern KRONENBERG operating panels.
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KRONENBERG components in the lift to the Acropolis.
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