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With the new DL(F)2MO type door lock double-leaf landing doors are now also unlocked and locked almost silently with just one lock.

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WPM system

Just in time for the interlift ‘22, KRONENBERG is launching the innovative
WPM system for controlling motorized door interlocks.

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UL certification

The door interlock CL(F)MO with motorized actuation has obtained the UL certification and is thus also approved for the North American market.

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New catalogues

We have completely revised the previous product catalogue door interlocks and switches and have taken many innovations into account …

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Es geht nach oben

Kronenberg aus Bergisch Gladbach produziert Aufzugskomponenten. Damit bedient der Familienbetrieb einen…


Untergrundbahn will hoch hinaus

Die Metro in Brüssel ist die modernste Untergrundbahn Europas. Täglich fahren 310.000 Passagiere durch das…



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